Sunday, July 30, 2006

A few business items

I've been wanting to revamp the course evaluations this summer in response to concerns about how they don't encourage feedback appropriate to students studing off-campus. Erin has stepped in to help with this, so if you have any ideas or suggestions, please comment here or pass them on to Erin.

Another thing I've wanted to do (and this is the right place for it) is start a conversation about how one sets up a studio far from home for a short time, and also how the second and third years students' studio practice has (or has not) evolved after working with the facilities here. I think generating a student-authored guide to studio practice would be a very beneficial thing with which to welcome new students in the summer. Any thoughts?

1 comment: said...

Does facilities include faculty? It would be nice if we could lock the faculty in a room like the computers so we could go consult them at will or just keep them company... bring them some food. Anyway, I can't think of how the facilities could possibly contribute to our evolution as they are presented to students now. If I had spontaneous access to most equipment, that may contribute to my evolution, but as it is, if we need to use something on campus we have to do the beaurocratic dance to maybe get it... depending on whether or not an outside party has aready reserved... in which case they of course get first dibs – Money talks! Art is the bullshit that walks...
Faculty... they are good and regularly contributing to my evolution – word up to the faculty... and I'm sure everyone else wants to join in on that wording.