Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Vantage points

Thinking about this afternoon's lecture I was struck by Joe Fyfe's self-descriptive use of the term "flaneur."While it was, on the one hand, refreshing to hear that traditional role of the artist updated to the global era, it was, on the other hand,a stark contrast to the activist mode suggested by Nato at last week's lecture. While the combination of images collected from travel and those generated by "the daily practice of painting" in the solitude of the studio was rich (and arguably inbued the non-objective work with a kind of content it would have had difficulty accessing in the absence of such images), when we breezed past an image of a homeless person's bedroll in Hanoi, I hope one might be excused for feeling not-quite-up-to-the-task of aesthetic appreciation (at least, for this viewer, abstract contemplation became a little trickier after that point...)

For some artists, the studio is a refuge, for others a lab, for others...what? I'm curious if anyone else had thoughts on this...

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Dove Bradshaw

"Topics" students who visited Larry Becker Gallery this afternoon might be interested in learning more about the work of sculptor Dove Bradshaw. I've posted a link to Larry Becker Contemporary Art's homepage on the sidebar. Addtional images of the works in the sh can be found there. Artcyclopedia has a link to the DeCordova Museum's website, where there's an image of one of the pyrite-and-stone pieces Heidi was talking about.

If you want to bone up before Friday's trip to Eastern State Pennetentiary, you might look here for details on the prison and its art program (along with a cool audio sample of the Pandemonium project. Remember, bring materials to sketch and/or take photographs or video. You don't know what you'll need.

Sunday, June 26, 2005


This site will collect student comments and feedback from discussions in the Universtiy of the Arts Summer MFA program during the 2005 Summer session. Comments from all students are welcome.

If you have a website you would like us to link to, please send a message to gerard and I'll post the link here so everyone can check it out.