Saturday, June 21, 2008

Great website

Hey guys -
After stumbling upon a very interesting artist at Max Lang yesterday in Chelsea, I stumbled upon what looks to be a pretty interesting website while doing searches on her. I saw work on this page that I thought several of you in the program might find interesting, so decided to post it for the whole class to enjoy...
It's called the Daily but I believe the link i found was an older one to these artists I thought were interesting...

Hope you all had a good time yesterday...


tess1175 said...

Cool site Melissa!
I added it to the links on the side bar! How was the trip?

Melissa said...

Trip was great and tiring and sucked the life out of me as NYC usually does...that place has no silence. But we saw lots of art, one piece in particular was exciting by Birgit Dieker called Rosi, which prompted the original post...