Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Greetings from CAA!

It's great to be here in Boston. It's at least half as warm as it is in Southern California.

This is the first of what may bea few updats from the College Art Assiociation 94th Annual Conference. Right now I'm holed up in a fried's office at Boston University finishing the paper I'll be presenting tomorrow morning on the panel "Ruins in the Age of Global Violence". Since we're convening at 9:30 on the first day of the conference, I expect a light turnout. Most of the folks I've talked to aren't coming until later tomorrow or Thursday. There's a lot on the docket and at the same time, not a lot. Walter Plotnick told me there was a cool digital to darkroom discussion that sounded good. I'm bummed I've got to fly home before "New Media Futures: The Artist as Researcher and Research as Art in the 21st Century" meets on Friday at 5:30. But hey, I've got a month-old baby to see, right?

Hopefully we'll have regular (and flippant) posts from the conference for all you who couldn't attend. I'm using the Pour House as my east coast office for the meeting (it's right across the street from the convention center!) so look for me there.

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