Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Get ready for the amateurs

In an article that will make some quiver with glee and others throw up theiur hands and wonder what use it is to become an artist, Lawrence Lessig writes about the birth of an amateur age on the BBC's website today.

Observing that putting cteative tools in the hands of ordinary Joe Powerbook has led to an erupt of production, Lessig makes it sound as though Walter Benjamin's dream of a work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction has finally (and gloriously) arrived (need to freshen up on the Benjamin? Go here.

And you, ye who have decided to shell out some big bucks to be creative workers? What think you of this? Does a world of television shows derived from video game characters enchant or annoy you? Are you ready to go to your neighbor's house and look at his new work assembled with the help of products like GarageBand, iMovie, Photoshop (or, I mean how far down the pike can it really be) iCanvas or iSculpt? Is there a place for expertise in your mind, or has the word become one giant kindergarten with everyone getting creative?

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